Leading environment and climate organisations score European Parliament’s performance on protecting the Green Deal

(Transport and Environment, 12 Apr 2024) New in-depth data research reveals that only a minority of MEPs during the 2019 - 2024 mandate acted as protectors of the Green Deal. The majority of MEPs acted instead as either procrastinators or prehistoric thinkers, delaying real action with patchy and inconsistent voting records, or worse, completely failing to rise to the challenge of the crises Europe is facing.

The EU elections are around the corner, or rather around the next 2 months. On transport, on energy and on climate, we know the EU has been a force for good in its current term. From clean cars to carbon taxes for planes and ships, the EU has done what national governments could not or would not do. In many European countries there would be very little environmental protection without the EU.

From the 30 laws guiding Europe to become a climate-neutral, nature-position and zero-pollution continent, 12 laws and 49 analyzed amendments focused on Europe’s long-term journey to achieving climate-neutrality and advancing the sustainable transport and energy transition.  On climate, energy and transport-related laws, the results show that some parties have been less forward looking, voting to keep dirty and polluting transport and energy artificially alive.

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Transport and Environment, 12 Apr 2024: Leading environment and climate organisations score European Parliament’s performance on protecting the Green Deal