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Net-zero industries

Panel: 6. Deep decarbonisation of industry

Emrah Durusut, United Kingdom


The UK government recently enshrined in legislation a UK net zero emissions target by 2050, which requires ambitious reduction of emissions across all sectors of the UK economy, including industry and power, and will require rapid deployment of key decarbonisation technologies. Industrial clusters are seen as a key area for decarbonisation due to their contribution to the UK economy and their pivotal role in initiating hydrogen and CCUS infrastructure. Without deep decarbonisation options and with increasing carbon tariffs, Industry is at risk of decline, putting millions of jobs in danger. This presentation will provide an overview of the key technologies needed to achieve net-zero industrial clusters including hydrogen, CCUS, negative emissions, and fuel switching; explain the key role CCS is expected to play; and give an update on the current progress in the UK industrial cluster projects. The presentation will also discuss how the industrial sites can be converted into hydrogen as well as key business models that may be introduced to kick-start investment in deep decarbonisation technologies.

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