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Modern Windship

Panel: Panel 5: Energy efficiency in transport

Jens V. Bloch, Danish Energy Agency
Steen Nielsen, Danish Energy Agency
Pelmatic Knud E. Hansen, Danish Energy Agency
Kennet M. Larsen, Danish Energy Agency


With a average fuel consumption of only 7 tonnes pr. 24 hours, a 50.000 dwt. bulk carrier designed as a modern windship is able to perform the same transportation as a similar sized, diesel-driven vessel having a daily consumption of 20-25 tonnes.

This is one of the main conclusions of a research project sponsored by the Danish Energy Agency and worked out by Knud E. Hansen (Pelmatic group), consulting naval architects and marine engineers in Copenhagen.

The research project shows that international sea transportation with modern windships, does not seem to run up against unsolvable problems regards to technic or safety. The economical analyses show that windship transportation, with today?s oil prices, will be about 10% higher compared to the diesel driven transportation. Rising oil prices and/or environmental restrictions can, however, change this picture.

The paper is based on the repport ?Modern Windship, Phase 1?, Knud E. Hansen, november 1996.


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