Search eceee proceedings

eceee 1999 Summer Study on energy efficiency: Energy Efficiency and CO2 reduction: the dimensions of the social challenge

Panel Panel 4: Environmental Perspective (externalities and life cycle approaches, local and global impacts and incentatives)

Revision of Japanese Jousing Energy Efficiency Standards, Contents and Trial of a "Next-Generation Standard"
Miyuki Yokoo, Jyukankyo Research Institute Inc.
Hidetoshi Nakagami, Jyukankyo Research Institute Inc.
Chiharu Murakoshi, Jyukankyo Research Institute Inc.
Jun Manabe, Ministry of Construction

Energy-conscious urban planning and development-lessons from a case-study
António Gomes Martins, INESC - University of Coimbra, Portugal

Regulatory Mechanisms that Deliver Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits
Dan Staniaszek, Energy Saving Trust, UK

Will the Clean Development Mechanism provide for energy-efficient rice cookers?
Michel Colombier, International Consulting on Energy - ICE
Kenya Tillerson, International Consulting on Energy - ICE

Can a 400 kV transmission line be avoided by a combination of efficient energy measures?
Michel Labrousse, Explicit
Catherine Vallee, Geres
Eric Buchet, Geres
Nicolas Noudant, Inestene
Sergio Milano, Soges
Walter Römer, Fichtner

Options for Nergy Efficiency Measures in Buildings and Their Impact on CO2 Reduction in the UK
S.R. Samo, Quaid-e-Awan University, Pakistan
K.M. Letherman, UMIST, UK

International comparison of policy instruments for energy efficiency in residential space heating
Hubertus Voss-Uhlenbrock, Institute for Energy Economics and the Rational use of Energy, University of Stuttgart
Christoph Weber, Institute for Energy Economics and the Rational use of Energy, University of Stuttgart
Ulrich Fahl, Institute for Energy Economics and the Rational use of Energy, University of Stuttgart

Preparing Energy Efficiency Mechanisms in the Portuguese Electricity Sector
Carlos Lopes, Centre d'Energétique, Ecole des Mines de Paris
Jerome Adnot, Centre d'Energétique, Ecole des Mines de Paris

Green electricity labelling in Switzerland: A powerful tool to enhance sustainable energy market penetration?
Rolf Wüstenhagen, Institute for Economy and the Environment, University of St. Gallen
Christian Grasser, Kiefer & Partners
Bernd Kiefer, Kiefer & Partners
Christoph Sutter, ETHZ
Bernhard Truffer, EAWAG

Dutch Action Plan for Sustainable Building: a win-win combination of energy savings in buildings and environmental improvements to reduce CO2 emissions
Harry Vreuls, Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment
Ireen Vergeest, Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment

New Approach to Reduce Environmental Impacts of Land Use and Living - An Environmental Profile for three city districts in Stockholm
Agneta Persson, The Green Investment Programme, The City of Stockholm
Maarit Nordmark, The Green Investment Programme, The City of Stockholm
Lars Fyrhake, The Green Investment Programme, The City of Stockholm
Anna Forsberg, The Green Investment Programme, The City of Stockholm

An Overview of Guidelines and Issues for the Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, Verification and Certification of Energy-Efficiency Projects for Climate Change Mitigation
Edward L. Vine, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Jayant A. Sathaye, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

The use of progressive tariff structures to align the interest of Utilities and of individual customers with the societal goal of enhanced end-use efficiency
Lorenzo Pagliano, Dipartimento di Energetica, Politecnico di Milano
Pierluigi Alari, Andrew Pindar and Luca Ruggieri, Energy Consultant

Differences in methodologies used for externality assessment
Lotte Schleisner, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark

Sustainable Afforestation Programmes through Rural Cooperatives - A Joint Implementation Perspective
B. Sudhakara Reddy, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research

Impediments for renewables: an environmental organisation and wind power
Maarten Wolsink, AME, University of Amsterdam