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An examination of the effectiveness of the EU minimum standard on cold appliances: the British case

Panel: Panel 1: Assessment of Energy Efficiency Policy

Pernille Schiellerup, Environmental Change Institute


Monitoring the effectiveness of policy is an essential part of securing energy savings. This paper investigates the effectiveness of the minimum standard on cold appliances using the British market as a case study. Data availability on developments in the cold appliance market in Britain is very good compared to most other EU markets, permitting an unbroken quarterly analysis from 1995 onwards.

The timing and magnitude of savings is shown in the context of historical rates of change, the aspirations of Directive 96/57/EC as well as the development in price. At the time of its adoption in 1996, the standard presented a significant challenge to the British market.

On the whole, manufacturers delayed efficiency improvements in the British cold appliance market for as long as possible ÿ until just before the standard came into force. Nevertheless significant reductions in energy consumption have been made as a result of the minimum standard in the context of falling real prices.


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