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Value chains and energy efficiency measures

Panel: Panel 2: Dynamics of Consumption

Pirkko Kasanen, TTS Institute


Energy efficiency measures are necessarily introduced to various existing contexts and situations. The success of those measures is influenced by their compatibility with the overall context of production or consumption. One way to describe the context is the system of value chains: the steps, by different actors, necessary to produce a product or service. Each step and actor is there in order to contribute to the usefulness or attractiveness of the product or the service. This paper identifies three main types of value chain: home appliance acquisition and use, maintenance of buildings (residential and services), and municipal services (esp. schools).

In Finland LINKKI 2, a national research programme on energy conservation decisions and behaviour, is due to finish shortly. In this paper the results of over 20 projects are described in terms of their place and role in the relevant value chains. Conclusions are made emphasising the importance of consistency within value chains from the strategic decisions level to the operations. Monitoring and motivation are some of the key issues. Voluntary energy conservation agreements as a government instrument are compatible with these conclusions.


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