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A successful strategy for energy efficient public buildings

Panel: Panel 3: Local and regional activities

Christiane Egger, O.Ö. Energiesparverband, Linz, Austria
Christine Öhlinger, O.Ö. Energiesparverband, Linz, Autria


The regional government of Upper Austria made a commitment to increase energy efficiency in public buildings by 1.5 % per year. This target is part of the Upper Austrian energy efficiency strategy which includes a number of measures to support different target groups in implementing energy efficiency measures. The O.Ö. Energiesparverband, the energy agency of Upper Austria, is responsible for the implementation of most of the measures included in the energy efficiency strategy. The activities include among others awareness raising, minimum energy performance requirements and benchmarking, energy accounting and monitoring, Third Party Financing, training, seminars and competitions, publications. Results of the annual benchmarking and monitoring for buildings owned by the regional administration show for example that the energy consumption per m² (heating & hot water) decreased by 18.5 % since 1994.


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