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Energy savings from intelligent metering and behavioural change in local and regional public sector buildings

Panel: Panel 3: Local and regional activities

P. Webber, Leicester Energy Agency (Leicester City Council), Leicester Energy Efficiency Centre, United Kingdom
S. Conway, Leicester Energy Agency (Leicester City Council), Leicester Energy Efficiency Centre, United Kingdom
P. Patel, Leicester City Council, Leicester Energy Efficiency Centre
M. Fleming, Leicester, United Kingdom


The intelligent metering of energy and water consumption in local and regional public buildings and the half hourly analysis of consumption data can enable savings opportunities to be identified, including the detection of faults. From Leicester City Council’s experience with intelligent metering it has been found that in some buildings savings of up to 20-30 % can be obtained with little or no investment. The scope for energy savings from intelligent metering and behavioural change initiatives has been investigated in a recent European Commission supported project, involving local authorities and local and regional energy agencies.

Up to 70 local and regional public sector buildings, including offices, leisure centres, community centres and schools have been selected by project partners in 4 European countries (Austria, Denmark, Germany and the UK) for monitoring using intelligent metering equipment. Intelligent metering and monitoring requirements have been assessed, different monitoring systems compared, and a common monitoring framework has been established for the buildings. Half hourly monitoring data has been transmitted to a central database from where the data has been processed by automatic utilities auditing software, with the generated consumption profiles being displayed on the project website.

The detailed consumption data has been analysed to identify savings opportunities, and a training package has been developed which uses the intelligent metering information to support activities to encourage changes in the behaviour of occupants of the buildings being monitored. Training activities have been carried out with building users and the savings resulting from intelligent metering, and behaviour change of building users, in the project have been considered.


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