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New domestic lighting technologies, consumer appeal first

Panel: Panel 2: Technologies and Products (innovation, marketing, market transformation)

Marco Kavelaars, Novem


The market for domestic compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) in the Netherlands is stagnating. Over the years the penetration of CFLs has stabilised at 60% of Dutch households, with an average of 2,5 CFLs per household. However, a new focus group (Platform for Energy-Efficient Domestic Lighting) has now been initiated by Dutch Novem to try and improve these figures. Several sessions with important lighting stakeholders led to the conclusion that, as well as CFL campaigns in the short term, new light sources for the domestic market were also needed in the longer term. However, these light sources must meet consumer expectations. Energy efficiency is a given fact and not a selling point.

A three-year programme was initiated by the Platform in 1998 to study and develop these new lighting solutions. This programme started ijn 1998 with a pre-competitive pre-design project. A team of industrial designers working closely with three major light sources manufactures (Philips/Osram/Sylvania) spent several months studying new domestic lighting solutions. The team received an elaborate briefing based on workshop conclusions from experts on consumer tastes such as trend watchers, home decorators, interior designers and stylists.
In 1999 and 2000 the results of the pre-design study will be evaluated on consumer acceptance as well as technological and marketing feasibility

This paper describes the importance of consumer driven innovation in the field of domestic lighting technology. It does so by showing the way consumer trends and design played a role in the pre-design study. The paper also shows the way Novem managed the whole process as an independent Change Agent, thus creating synery between competing manufactures.


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